Goddess Bless America!
A Few Royal Retailers!
Here are a few shops for your convenience, most participating through LinkShare. 
RepairClinic.com- The preferred resource for appliance parts and free repair help. Ask our RepairGuru™ your repair question. Let our PartDetective® show the part photo, pricing and availability. Shop online or use our toll-free 800 number. No-hassle returns. Shipping from $1.95.
Aubuchon Shopping- Help for the do-it-yourselfer. Tools, blinds, home
automation, auto parts, and more.
Amazon.com!- C'mon! Who doesn't know Amazon? Books, Music, Games, and much more!

DisneyStore.com!- Does anyone ever totally grow out of Disney?
JewelrySpotlight.com- Jewelry makes the perfect gift for anniversaries, birthdays, holidays and more! Or if you’re simply shopping for something special for yourself you can never go wrong with jewelry!

1800Flowers.com- Flowers are just the beginning! Lots of other gift ideas available here also! And don't forget that you deserve them too!

Ice.com- More jewelry! hehehehe (how much of a girly-girl am I?)